BR-6W Stingray W.jpg

“La Mantaraya" cuff


Ebony cuff

R-14A W.jpg

“Rhapsody in Red” ring

R-17 jade platW.jpg

Green Jade ring

R-56 crown.jpg

“The Pearl Crown” ring

R-57A_B_C groupW.jpg

"Pillow for Dreaming" Ruby ring

R-57D fr_W.jpg

"Pillow for Dreaming" Pavé ring

R-57E topW.jpg

"Pillow for Dreaming" Labradorite ring

R-87 Moving beadW.jpg

"Moving Bead" ring

R-146 bar. flowerW.jpg

Baroque Flower ring

R-150 Pearl budW.jpg

The Pearl Bud ring

R-151 knotW.jpg

The Red Button ring

R-152 aquaW.jpg

Delicious Blue-Pastel Aquamarine Cabochon ring

R-154 big ebonyW.jpg

Sculptural ebony and diamonds massive ring

R-153 chalcedW.jpg

Scrumptious Blue Chalcedony Cabochon ring
